Why You Should Donate to PPHA

No mother in the midst of a perinatal mood disorder should feel alone. No parent experiencing anxiety, depression, or crippling grief from pregnancy or infant loss should feel they have nowhere to turn. The feelings that 1 out of 7 mothers experience in the perinatal period can cause them to feel isolated and filled with shame. These feelings are made worse by a systemic lack of support in a country that does not guarantee paid paternal leave and access to healthcare. Not to mention that the United States is the most dangerous nation to give birth in the developed world. This statistic is more alarming for women of color, who are three times as likely to die from complications of child birth.

As cases of mental illness and complications from birth continue to rise, birthrates among this generation of potential parents is sinking. Though it can be attributed to a variety of factors, the statistic speaks for itself. Mothers, fathers, babies, families, and communities are more in need of advocacy and support than ever. And if we are to be a thriving nation, we must begin with helping families to thrive. This will take legislative progress on the part of family services and benefits. It will take an increased awareness around mental health and perinatal mood disorders. Most of all, it will take supporting new families and being there for them in their time of need.

This is where PPHA comes in. The Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Alliance of Texas was created in 2010 in Austin, Texas, by mothers and mental health professionals who saw a disabling void in the maternal health care system. Families in Austin were in need of resources, so that they could easily find health care providers who could help them through the depths of perinatal mood disorders like postpartum depression. They were in need of a community, that could help erase any negative stigma around mental illness and parenthood. Under-served and low income families were in need of services that were not available to them, because of a lack of health insurance or financial resources. The founders of PPHA saw this need, and they came together to create solutions.

Since then, countless mothers and families have been impacted positively by the work of providers, doulas, and volunteers through PPHA. But although non-profit organizations like this one create great strides in progress for their communities, they often do so without funding. PPHA relies chiefly on donations from benefactors who are passionate about supporting moms and families. Luckily for PPHA and for those experiencing perinatal mood disorders, the call for help has been heard by a vast community of benefactors from Texas and all over the world.

As we continue to expand our reach, aiming to serve more families each year, we ask for donations. This time of year is especially important, as it’s our annual drive for fundraising through Amplify Austin. All day on February 28th, we’ll be asking for donations to reach our $15,000 goal. With your help, we’ll be able to continue to answer the call for help from all affected families. Our impact is lasting and life-changing. Together, we can continue to create a community that supports moms and families in some of their darkest periods of need. To schedule a donation, go to https://www.givegab.com/nonprofits/pregnancy-postpartum-health-alliance-of-texas-ppha

Thank you!